To apply to one of ESSEC's Master of Science (MSc) programmes, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:


Informations here

Informations here

Informations here


France Singapore


You are pursuing or you have achieved:
Master's degree
4-year bachelor's degree

Applications from candidates applying with a 3-year Bachelor or Licence 3 who possess a minimum of 5 years' post-graduation professional experience and who wish to finance their tuition fees with their personal funds will also be examined on an exceptional basis (Maximum 40% of total admitted candidates). Candidates applying on this basis will be evaluated through the Validation des Acquis Professionnels et Personnels (VAPP) procedure. 

-You are a young graduate working in the hospitality industry with a  Bachelor's degree or French BTS Hôtelier

-You have at least 1 year of professional experience (including internships)

Master's degree
4-year bachelor's degree
3-year bachelor’s degree


Validity: the English tests must not be older than 2 years at the application deadline (application round you choose to apply in)

minimum level in English is required as follows:

- IELTS Academic ≥ 6.5

- TOEFL iBT® (Home Edition included) ≥ 95

- Cambridge minimum B2 First ≥175

- TOEIC Listening & Reading ≥ 850

Tests other than the listed ones and non-valid tests will not be accepted. No exception can be made.Please make sure you have enough time to sign up for a test.

English Test Exemption

(if you have spent at least 3 years in a higher education program completely taught in English ; a MOI (medium of instruction) should be uploaded under the English test section) 

- IELTS Academic ≥ 6.5

- TOEFL iBT® (Home Edition included) ≥ 95

- Cambridge minimum B2 First ≥175

- TOEIC Listening & Reading ≥ 850

Tests other than the listed ones and non-valid tests will not be accepted. No exception can be made.Please make sure you have enough time to sign up for a test.

English Test Exemption

(if you have spent at least 3 years in a higher education program completely taught in English ; a MOI (medium of instruction) should be uploaded under the English test section)

- IELTS Academic ≥ 6.5

- TOEFL iBT® (Home Edition included) ≥ 95

- Cambridge minimum B2 First ≥175

- TOEIC Listening & Reading ≥ 850

Tests other than the listed ones and non-valid tests will not be accepted. No exception can be made.Please make sure you have enough time to sign up for a test.

English Test Exemption

(if you have spent at least 3 years in a higher education program completely taught in English ; a MOI (medium of instruction) should be uploaded under the English test section)

List available here : supporting documents

List available here : supporting documents

List available here :supporting documents